Keller Williams Realty Group - Fort Wayne, Indiana
Knowe Dials
Keller Williams Realty Group
Fort Wayne, IN
Licenza #: RB20001820 - IN / REALTOR® a Modern Indiana Homes
Ogni ufficio Keller Williams® è di proprietà e gestione indipendente.
I miei dati
LINGUE English
AFFILIAZIONE MILITARE Veteran - United States United States Army
CENTRO MERCATO Keller Williams Realty Group

Su di me

We are committed and compassionate towards everyone we meet. As a former service member, I bring the same values, integrity, selfless service, and respect, that I embodied throughout my military career into advocating for my clients. I found my passion in real estate after learning about real estate investing. I have remarkable communication, marketing, and problem-solving skills. This is why I am becoming the realtor of choice in northeast Indiana. Because I'm passionate about educating others on the housing market, I ensure my customers are fully knowledgeable in every part of the transaction to guide them to make the best decisions. Furthermore, providing great customer service and client satisfaction is the first priority. By putting the customer first, we know our client's wants, needs, and strive to do everything within our power to make them come to fruition. I understand the significance of the negotiation process and achieving a win-win for both parties. I was a military brat, living in Florida, Georgia, Germany, and South Carolina. I served 8 years in the military, serving two tours in Iraq. My career took me to Korea, Arizona, Alabama, and Texas. Throughout all my travels and transitions I developed great people skills and learned to not only hear what people are saying but what they are not saying. I look forward to helping clients and my peers in any way I can with their Real Estate goals.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Knowe Dials
Numero di licenza: RB20001820
Modern Indiana Homes

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Keller Williams Realty Group
930 S Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Knowe Dials
REALTOR® RB20001820
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